Saturday, January 25, 2020 Essay -- Economics Case Study e-commerce, solution is an Internet company that pioneered a unique type of e-commerce known as â€Å"demand collection system† that enables consumers to use the Internet to save money on a wide range of products and services while enabling sellers to generate incremental revenue. Using a simple and compelling consumer proposition of â€Å"name your price,† the consumer is in control of the product they wish to purchase. In the form of individual customer offers guaranteed by a credit card for a particular product or service at a price set by the customer and communicate that demand directly to the participating sellers or to their private databases. The company works by allowing the consumers to agree to hold their offers open for a specified period of time to enable to fulfill their offers from inventory provided by participating sellers. Once fulfilled, offers generally cannot be canceled. By requiring consumers to be flexible with respect to brands, sellers and/or product features, the company enables sellers to generate incremental revenue without disrupting their existing distribution channels or retail pricing structures. The company is grounded on the assumption of â€Å"rational self-interest.† In other words, since individuals make rational decisions to achieve the greatest satisfaction or the maximum fulfillment of their goals, has now revolutionized the market industry. By their ‘name and lock your price† strategy, more and more consumers have been able to maximize their satisfaction on differentiated products. The consumers want to spend their incomes to get the greatest benefit from the goods and services they can afford. helps them to achieve their goals. Since the inception of this internet-based company, millions of consumers were able to afford more with less expenditure on their goods. In addition, rational behavior varies among every individual because individual preferences, circumstances, and available information differ. offers various or â€Å"differentiated goods and services† in a broad range of products to purch ase from. â€Å"E-Commerce Pioneer Sells 20,000 Leisure Airline Tickets In Six Weeks.† As ticket sales accelerated, has become one of the nation’s top 10 most-visited commerce Web sites. In it’s first six weeks of operation, pricelin... ...e expected rate of return is far greater than the interest invested in producing advertisement. Moreover, they expect companies to support their business strategy so the other companies in return can generate greater revenue as well. Conclusively, has brought an exciting and provides other businesses with inspiration to follow their strategies. Many consumers have benefited from this Internet Company and as a result have saved money to spend on other wants. Now we have the option of choosing a price and giving countless vendors the chance to bid. For better or worse, this could transform the way we think of shopping, as well as the way in which we do it. Conceivably, it could alter the nature of balance and power between vendors and consumers. In addition, it restructures long-standing capitalistic business and sales traditions. This new business model appears to have the potential to give enormous new powers to people who want to buy things, since their price is being offered to many thousands, even millions, of possible sellers. The new business method venture is successful and it opens the doors for consumers who are tired of the fixed prices they have to pay.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Reading Among Youth

CABRAL, ALYANNA ANGELINA M. Argumentative Essay Communication I (TFD2) October 16, 2012 Technology and Movies Help in Promoting Reading among the Youth of Today â€Å"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into t he other room and read a book. † (Groucho Marx). Upon reading this quotation from Marx, I felt that he is trying to make technology sound as the mortal nemesis of reading. If I were to choose between watching T. V. and reading a book, I would choose to watch T. V. right away.But if I put more thought into choosing, I would prefer reading a book. I just came to this realization that when I read a book, a novel for example, my mind is free to imagine. If I want to make myself the leading lady in the novel I am reading, and the leading man to be Zac Efron, I could do that. When we read novels, everything in the story is in our favor, but when it comes to the story itself, we cannot change anything. This capability of us to freely ima gine is not present when watching T. V. It is because when watching T. V. , images that we see directly sinks in into our minds.In a soap opera, if you see that the leading man is Jericho Rosales, can you easily replace the leading man with Zac Efron by just using your imagination ? You cannot since the image of Jericho Rosales is stuck in your mind. In a fight between television and reading, obviously, I am now in the side of reading. But it does not mean that I am against technology. People always say that technology took away reading from the youth. But is technology that of a big hindrance to reading? Has technology done nothing to somehow influence the youth into reading?If I compared the youth today from the youth before, I can say that the youth before is more into reading than the youth today. Before, when radio was the only device as the source of entertainment in every household, when only rich people had televisions in their homes, and when average children only peek from the windows of other houses to watch television, reading Filipino comics was the favourite past time of young people. The Pinoy superheroes and famous characters that we know today such as Panday, Darna, Zuma, Dyesebel, and Captain Barbel l came from these comics.These comics were very affordable that even a kid who only has a few coins in his/her pocket as allowance can buy it. When youngsters had finished their comics they rented it to other comic readers. They did not only enjoy reading but they also made profit from it. But those are not the only advantages that comics have on the youth be fore. The common story in Filipino comics before was about losers who became superheroes. These types of comics give young readers that shining hope that someday they will be as admirable as these superheroes.In the modern times, I can say that reading among the youth is indeed lessened but I do think that reading is not dead among us. Youngsters may be very attached with the technology but m any are still interested with reading novels, especially the teenagers. Novels like â€Å"A Walk to Remember†, â€Å"Harry Potter†, â€Å"Percy Jackson and the Olympians† , â€Å"The Hunger Games† and â€Å"The Vampire Diaries† are famous among teenagers. Reading these English novels is beneficial for young readers in terms of vocabulary. They learn new English words through context. Some modern novels also have disadvantages in terms of content.Some novels have contents that may be inappropriate for young readers. The erotic novel â€Å"50 Shades of Grey† and the epistolary novel â€Å"The Perks of Being a Wallflower† have parts that may be too sensual for teenagers. Some novels can also have contents expressing Cabral 2 brutality. The young adult novels like â€Å"The Hunger Games† and â€Å"The Vampire Diaries† have parts in it wherein the piercing of flesh and splashing of blood are explained in clear detail. But it is not only the English novels that are loved by teenagers. They also read books by Filipino writers. One great example of a famous Filipino writer among teenagers is Bob Ong.His works are famous for being humorous. I think that is why teenagers like his books. I have also read one of his books. The one I read was titled â€Å"Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin†. Indeed, the book was humorous—you can tell just by the title and cover of it , but behind that, it has content that criticizes the arts in the Philippines. It suggests that the quality of arts in the Philippines is poor in terms of the movies, songs, and artists that we produce. There were also parts of the book implying that Filipinos are dumb for being too shallow to buy these low-quality movies as suggested in the book.For me, having teenagers read these kinds of books is good for them. It is good for them in a way that at such young age, their eyes are opened to the real problems of our country. I think Bob Ong’ s main purpose is not to make a fool out of Filipinos. I think his purpose was to wake Filipinos up. He wants Filipinos to know their mistakes and the things around them that need correction. That is why I recommend these kinds of books to teenagers since we are the people of tomorrow and as people of tomorrow, it is good that we already know the things that we should fix in ourselves and in our surroundings for a better country.Comics have images in them while novels only have texts. Considering this, I would prefer reading novels than comics. It is because reading without seeing any graphical representation of what you are reading will let you freely imagine and form in your mind your own picture of what you are reading. Contrasting Filipino comics from novels, I would say that Cabral 3 one difference between them is the age group of their readers.Unlike reading today, teenagers before were not the only ones who enjoyed reading comics but children of very young ages were able to e njoy them also since Filipino comics before covered a wide variety of stories and were written in Filipino. Today, kids are not able to enjoy reading as much as teenagers do. It is because kids prefer seeing pictures rather than texts. That is why kids before were able to enjoy comics because it has images in it. Also, most of the children today watch cartoons as their past time. Because of technology, some of the youth of today lost their interest in reading.Aside from technology, another factor why some of the youth today are taken away from reading is that the prices of books today are not very appropriate for young people. Before, Filipino comics were more or less 5 pesos each if you will buy it firsthand. If you will rent it from somebody, it costs about 2 pesos each. Nowadays, teenagers have to save money for months in order to buy a novel. One novel today costs more or less 300 pesos. Because of this, not all young people have access to these kinds of books. Despite that fact , many teenagers, who are avid readers, still find means to gain access to the novels they like to read.They may try to borrow books from their friends. They may also download e -books from the internet —and this is where the advantage of technology in reading comes in. Technology may have lessened reading in the modern times, but we cannot deny that it also helped young people to access any novel they like to read. Nowadays, teenagers have e book readers in their phones wherein they can read the ir downloaded e-books. If you do not have an e-book reader, you could just search for the pdf forms of the novels you like on the internet and then download it through different file sharing sites.These methods make reading more convenient and affordable for teenagers. Through downloading e -books and pdf files, they do not Cabral 4 have to spend money to be able to read novels. With just one click in their phones, t hey could read novels whenever and wherever since novels are stored in their phones. Aside from technology, another thing that made teenagers closer to reading is moviebased novels. Before, stories in Filipino comics that became very famous were made into movies. This trend before can also be observed today. As far as I know, this trend started with â€Å"Harry Potter† which is a series of fantasy novels.Every novel in this series was made into a movie and every movie turned into a success. The same goes for â€Å"Twilight† which is a series of vampire-themed fantasy romance novels. These kinds of movies are famous among teenagers nowadays. As to what I have observed, fans of a typical novel-based movie are divided into two: those who have read the novel before watching the movie and those who became fans upon watching the movie. Because of these kinds of movies, teenagers who are non-readers of novels suddenly become interested in reading.The fact that novel-based movies are often in series also helped in promoting reading among non- readers. Let us take the Twilight series as an example. When non-readers watch the movie â€Å"Twilight†, which is based from the first novel in the series, and they liked it, they w ill be enticed to read the book itself. They will continue to read up to the fourth book which is â€Å"Breaking Dawn† because they will be eager to know about the happenings in the succeeding novels in the series. So, it turns out that technology is not a nemesis of reading after all.Actually, it helps to promote reading by rendering the youth free access to their favourite novels via e-book. Despite that fact, we cannot deny that reading from a book is still better than reading from an e -book. Scrolling an e-book from your phone or tablet is nothing compared with flipping the crisp pages Cabral 5 of a book. What is important is that there are still many youth today who appreciate the greatness of reading a book. They do not only give importance to the knowledge they can get from reading , but they also appreciate the beauty of it and the fulfilment of reading wonderful stories. Cabral 6

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cognitive Development of Adult Learners - 829 Words

Cognitive Development of Adult Learners Sheri Adult learning is often looked upon as being a separate entity in the education system, an educational process that has little to do with prior experiences and makes little connection to the learning that has taken place in childhood and adolescence, when it fact it is though those experiences that have shaped and molded the adult into the adult that they become (Brookfield and Tuinjman, 1995). Andragogy, which is defined as the science of helping adults learn, has taken on a broader meaning and included not only curriculum based education, but also experience and learner centered education (Titmus 1981). Today, we know different. There is a plethora of research devoted to†¦show more content†¦Adults will use what they have experienced though their culture to create meaning and reflect on learning. Cross-culture learning seeks to broaden the adult perspective. This is similar to distance learning, which seeks to support the adult learner through the use of technology, while still providing the learner with the opportunity to broaden their experience and continue on a path of education development. Practical theorizing seeks to make learners and educators become critically aware of the informally developed theories that guide their practice, including dilemmas, tensions of any sort, and successes. Adult education is a continuous learning process, not only for the adult learner for those who which to provide guidance in the field. Continuously, there are trends and theories about the cognitive development of adults and how adults learn best, however; it now most beneficial that we encourage adult to draw on their personally experience to make that learning meaningful. References Brim, O. (1980). Constancy and change in human development. (pp. 445-530). Cambridge: Massachusetts. Brookfield, S.; A. Tuinjman (ed.) (1995). 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